Dehydrated Liver Treats

by Plexy

Petey Boy

Petey Boy

No recipe really!

This evolved after I had been using a recipe for liver treats which included cornmeal and whole wheat flour, neither of which are really that good for your dog.

So, plain liver, partially frozen and sliced as thinly as possible is then dehydrated either in a dehydrator or slow, low temperature oven (225 degrees) until they are completely dry and crunchy.

My pup Petey Boy goes nuts for these dehydrated liver treats!

I keep my supply in a freezer bag in the freezer and only take one days worth at a time.

Healthy and easy!

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Mar 08, 2016

by: Kathy

Thank you Plexy and Petey Boy for the simple and healthy recipe!

These are perfect to use as training treats!

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